Australia Day Texts


From the enquiries we receive at The Liturgical Commission every January, it seems that there is some confusion about what texts are used in the celebration of Mass on Australia Day. This confusion has arisen because some places have inadvertently continued to use a set of provisional texts prepared by the National Liturgical Commission for trial use on Australia Day 1997. This trial and the resultant feedback were part of the process of preparing texts for Australian celebrations such as Australia Day, ANZAC day and the feast of Mary MacKillop for the revised Sacramentary. It is still hoped that these texts, or revisions thereof, will be incorporated in the new Sacramentary for Australia.

The current official Australia Day Mass texts can be found in the Daily Mass Book and on the CD resource LabOra Worship. To enable people who are unable to attend Mass on Australia Day to join the Church across Australia in praying for our country on Friday, and to assist communities to check the texts they are using, here are some of the key prayers:

Opening Prayer
Father ever generous,
enlighten us with new vision
to see your shaping hand at work
in all the gifts to our country
with which your providence frames our lives.

Out of your infinite glory
you have given us the power through your Spirit
for our hidden self to grow strong,
so that Christ may live in our hearts through faith.
Through him you have blessed our land.
The fierce flood of your grace sweeps away all barriers,
and soaks deep into our being,
so that the desert blooms with the life that lies in wait.
You will give us the strength
to grasp the breadth and the length
and height and the depth
of that utter fullness of your love
which surpasses all knowledge.
With all the hosts of heaven,
we give you glory from generation to generation
in our song of praise:

Prayer after Communion
All-provident God,
through these sacraments of your love
grant us always to live in this land
united in purpose and freed in the Spirit
until the final feast at heaven's table.

Solemn Blessing
May the God of truth and love
make you eager to share your gifts with others.
May God who has shown his justice to the nations
make you tireless messengers in his service.
May God who has shown you his salvation
guide you swiftly to the inheritance he has promised.


Elizabeth Harrington