New Words for Worship Part 12: Introducing the Missal in Australia

New Words for Worship Part 12: Introducing the Missal in Australia

The Permanent Committee of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference recently made an announcement about the process for implementing the revised Missal in Australia. The key points are:
1. Parishes, communities and schools can begin singing (not saying) the new texts for the parts of the Ordinary of the Mass (Gloria, Creed, Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Lamb of God) from 1st January 2011.
2. Priests’ invitations and people’s responses for the spoken Ordinary of the Mass are to be made available on a card and be introduced either in full or gradually from 14th June (Pentecost) and will be mandatory from 1st November 2011.
3. When the new Missal is available it will be introduced immediately and become mandatory from a date to be set.
It is interesting to note that the new texts may be used if sung several months earlier than if they are spoken. This provision gives priority to music and in so doing is being true to Catholic tradition. This means that the revised English chants prepared by ICEL can be used from the beginning of next year, as also can other musical settings of the new texts.
As explained earlier, the National Liturgical Commission has used the introduction of the new Missal translation as an opportunity to ensure that there are some Mass settings that are known by all Catholics in Australia. At present there are hundreds of mass settings in use around the country. Knowing and using common musical settings will foster unity and facilitate singing at large regional and national celebrations.
The National Liturgical Council Music Board recently announced its selected Mass settings for Australia. Aside from endorsing the use of the chant setting as contained in the Missal, the following are recommended for use from January 2011: “Mass of St Francis” by Paul Taylor, “Mass of Our Lady, Help of Christians” by Richard Connolly, “Missa Magis” by Christopher Willcock, “Mass of Christ the Redeemer” by Bernard Kirkpatrick and “Mass of Glory and Praise” by Paul Mason.
The National Liturgical Council Music Board was also asked to find a basic and singable Mass setting to add to these five recommendations. That process has already been initiated by the Executive Secretary of the Board.
There will be a thorough program of formation leading up to the introduction of the revised Missal. The National Liturgical Council is overseeing the preparation of material such as pew cards, bulletin inserts and homily points for preachers to assist in the process.
The DVD “Become One Body, One Spirit in Christ”, a catechetical and liturgical resource to assist with the international implementation of the new English translation of the Roman Missal, was launched in Melbourne on 30th September. It includes video, text, graphics and music to help users enrich their understanding and deepen their appreciation of the Eucharist. The resource has been designed for a range of audiences including clergy, liturgical ministers, catechists, and the whole Catholic community.
The DVD, which has been published for Australia by St Paul’s Publications, can be previewed at and purchased from Catholic bookshops.


Elizabeth Harrington