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Title Author Topic Issue Page
Editor: Liturgy and Synodality Elich, Tom Conferences and Special Events Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 2
Worship/Prayer across Faiths Naylon, Margaret Liturgy - Other Churches/Religions Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 3-4
A Reflection - Liturgy in our Lives and Liturgy in Catholic Schools Rowlands, Kris Schools Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 5
Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit - A Timeline Pilcher, Carmel Indigenous Australians Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 6-7
A Theology of Christian Initiation for Sacramental Preparation Foster, Judith Sacramental Preparation Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 8-9
Diocesan Leadership - People Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 10
Congratulations - Clare Schwantes - People Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 10
National Leadership - Jason McFarland - People Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 11
New ICEL Director - People Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 11
Societas Liturgica - Conferences and Special Events Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 11
In Memoriam - Maurice Taylor - - Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 11
National Conference - Mystery and Mission - Conferences and Special Events Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 12
Syro-Malabar Update - Eucharist / Mass Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 12
SC@60+ Retrospects and Prospects - Conferences and Special Events Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 13
Women's Voices1 - Conferences and Special Events Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 13
Our Cover: Liturgy Snapshots - Processions at Mass - Eucharist / Mass Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 13
Suitable and Singable - Composing Music for Liturgy Mangan, Michael Music Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 13-14
Books: Singular Vessel of Devotion - The Sacramental ody at Prayer Cronin, James Eucharist / Mass Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 15
Liturgical Calendar 2024 - Calendar Vol 53 No 3 September 2023 16-20
Look at Moiye! Look at Moiye! Elich, Tom Technology Vol 34 No 1 March 2004 2